Recommended Resources

Camp at Home is grateful to the research and content of several key resources listed below. Developing a culture of faith in your home can be a challenging journey. Don’t go it alone. These books and online resources will be valuable tools for years to come. We encourage you to look over these resources and purchase the ones that seem helpful to you and your family.


This book is foundational to the content presented on the site. This is definitely a must-read resource for your journey.

Phase Guides

These practical guides provide insights, ideas, tips, and resources for developing faith in your child for every year of life from age zero to 18.

Parent Cue App

This is a great on-the-go tool to weave faith into your home featuring parent tips, devotionals and much more.

It’s Just a Phase

This comprehensive and practical book outlines the phases of your child’s development and how to share Jesus in each phase.

Fuller Youth Institute

FYI features cutting edge research and resources. Check out Sticky Faith, Growing With and 3 Big Questions.

Center for Parent and Youth Understanding

Understand your child’s world with this website that provides the very best synopsis of youth culture from a Christian perspective. (Desktop Only)

Great resources make great partners in your journey to build the faith culture of your home.